Hello, hello!!! Ihope you hada good startinto the new weekanda wonderfulweekend.
TodayI report onmy weekend:
Onthisweekendthe 13thand 14thof September, Iwas invitedto my pleasure, for a JubileecelebrationofcompanyRoeckl.
175years ago,this companywas establishedandsincethat timeoffers thebestgloves in a choicefineleather. CurrentlyRoeckl offers besides Gloves really greatscarves and foulardsmade from the bestmaterials like silk,wool,cashmere.Fashionable and classical knitted accessories. High qualitybelts and bags, which are manufacturedinEuropefrom europeanleather. Roecklcompanyis a company that representinghighquality,traditionand modernity, andismanaged by sixthgenerationofAnnetteRoeckl.
And now to theweekend.
On Saturdayevening there wasan anniversary celebrationinMunichat Haus der Kunst. Thewholereceivingwasmusicallysupported by aDuocord. Also,the main programwason a very highlevel and wasaccompaniedwithstunningimages overRoecklhistory.Allguestswould immersedseveral timesinthecompany’s historythroughProfessorDoctorMaritaKrauss(historian),StefanRoeckl(fifth generation of thecompany)andthe bossAnnetteRoeckl. There wasa greatfestive dinnerwithverytasty food anddrinks, includingthere wasan anniversarycake.
The next day wewere invited to thecompany headquarters, hereyou couldlernmanynewabout the individual accessories areas such asknitting, gloves, scarves, andsomeRoecklproducts you can buy for themselves. For lunchwe weretaken toMunichFranciscans,where we atetypicalBavarian.Finally, there wasa smallcity tourconnectedwithRoeckl history.
Thereweretworeally greatdaysinMunichandIamvery gratefulto be allowed tobethere. Here you can seephotos of theseexcitingtwodaysandmyoutfitfrom Saturday.
Many thanks for yourlovely comments, these make me very happy.
2 Kommentare
Monica L
Looks like you had a lot of fun! Amazing photos!:)
Sure, I´m following you on Bloglovin.
Happy weekend!
you look great, nice look!